Disclaimer: DBZ does not belong to me... there I said it again. I'm sure everyone heard me the first time...
Writer's Note: The next chapter will be longer, I promise. Yaoi in the future!
Chapter 3: Haunted Dorm
Students crowded into the halls as the bell rang. 'Finally, I thought he'd never shut up,' Yamcha dramatically sighed and laced his arms behind his head. 'You just hate English,' Krillan resorted, pacing after his taller friend. Heck, all his friends were taller than him. 'But, it's sooo boring. I can think of better things to do with my time,' the youth announced, eyeing the girls giggling in their little locker groups. 'Wait up!' a voice bellowed, footsteps thundering down the hall towards him. 'So, are we gonna spar now or what?' Krillan asked, smiling as Goku caught up with them. 'I can't.' Both teens stared wide eyed at the spiky haired man. Did Goku, their Goku, the guy who couldn't get enough of sparing, the man who did nothing else every afternoon for the last ten years, just say he couldn't? 'Are you feeling ok?' Yamcha inquired, eyeing his friend. 'Yeah, I'm fine. Healthy as ever,' Goku blinked cluelessly at him. 'Then, what's wrong? Do you have a date or something?' Krillan wanted to know. 'No, no, nothing like that. Look, I'm moving into the old dorm today,' Goku explained.
'You mean that old place way over in the corner of the school lot? The one with that hasn't been lived in for at least 100 years?' Yamcha was shocked, speechless (sort of). 'But, that place is...it's... haunted,' Krillan shivered, everyone knew the legends about students dying when they spent the night there, or going insane. 'Those are just rumors, don't tell me you're afraid,' Goku taunted lightly, laughing. 'No, no way. I'm not afraid,' both Krillan and Yamcha laughed, each embarrassed, but still shivering at the thought. 'Well then, catch you tomorrow,' Goku waved at them as he walked towards the head office. 'Good luck, you're going to need it,' Krillan thought to himself and shivered again.
~Head Office~
'I'm sure your rooms will be satisfactory for your highness,' the secretary smiled down at the spiky haired teenager and tried not to quiver. Black eyes just glared back at her in silence. 'It will be fine. Thank you,' Radditz opened the door and his prince stormed past him into the hall. Quickly catching up to him, the older man glanced to the side. Vegeta was just too tense in this alien place. 'It's a huge place, no people around at all to bother you. Of course, it's a bit of a fixer-upper, but I'm sure it's not so bad,' Vegeta grunted at his guardian's comment. He hated it here, hated, hated, a thousand times more hated it here. Stupid alien planet, stupid humans, stupid guy smiling at him and waving. Vegeta nearly froze in his tracks when the memory just popped into his head. That baka, grinning like a fool. Not to mention that he was taller, and more muscular (nope, Vegeta wasn't thinking that at all...) In fact, the man had been kinda... saiyan-like, in a way. The prince chuckled to himself, causing Radditz to give him a weird glance. That boy couldn't have been saiyan, he wasn't strong enough, or smart enough, or mean enough. Baka...
~The Old Dorm: Enter at your own risk (evil laughter)~
Goku glanced up at the old building, heaving his heavy bag over his muscular shoulder with ease. It did look kinda haunted, with its two story gray walls and thickly shuttered windows. The man strode down the cracked cement path, taking in the barely blooming cherryblossum tree that seemed to be casting off its leaves to greet the coming winter. Tall blades of grass grew around the path, begging to be mowed down to proper size. It was a real fixer-upper all right. The youth just grinned to himself in anticipation as he opened the front door.
Meanwhile, Radditz stopped in front of the rickety old house and blinked up at it. Vegeta glowered harder, hating Earth even more. This place was not suited for a prince. It was old and dusty and so third class. 'Well... it is a fixer-upper,' the taller man finally sighed, glancing down at his prince. 'I'm not staying here,' the youth insisted, turning away. Radditz caught him by the arm, receiving yet another glare in response before Vegeta tugged his arm away. 'I'm sorry, Prince Vegeta. But, this is the only place where you can be alone. There are always the normal dorm rooms...' Vegeta grimaced at the thought, before his face pooled into its cold mask once again. Fine, he'd stay is this dirty, bug infested human hovel, but not for very long. His father would deal with the alien Freza, who wanted to take over their world, and have him back home in less than a week. Vegeta didn't know how wrong he was.
Author's note: I know, they haven't met yet. I'm getting to that part. Goku still doesn't know that Vegeta is the saiyan prince, neither does any other student as of yet. Vegeta has no clue that Goku is saiyan and Radditz brother to boot. I feel a family reunion in the future...