Untitled Kyou Kara Maou Fic : by Rika
This is so cute. Wolfram, our cute blondie, goes to see his fiancee Yuuri
(the current Mazoku lord from another world, adorable brunet haired boy). Cuddling and sleeping, cute!
Dance with Me? : by KimuraSato
Kyou Kara Maou. Yuuri/Wolfram. (Slash/shounen ai). During one of Yuuri’s
dance lessons, Wolfram announces the date of their wedding.
Long Awaited Kiss : by KimuraSato
Kyou Kara Maou. Yuuri/Wolfram. (slash/shounen ai). Yuuri makes the mistake
of dancing with a woman again. Wolfram gets angry and calls off their engagement.
Seeing the Other World : by KimuraSato
My favorite Kyou Kara Maou fic. Wolfram gets sucked with Yuuri into Yuuri’s
world. Unable to understand the language, Wolfram has to protect his fiancee from… no, wait. He has to protect HIMSELF
first! Mothers, wedding dresses, best friends, malls, baseball… "Can we go home now?" Yaoi! Cute!
Falling Snow : by KimuraSato
Kyou Kara Maou. Yuuri/Wolfram (slash/shounen ai). Wolfram wakes on a cold
winter night because Yuuri's not in bed beside him.