My favorite banners supporting Yaoi and Yuri on the Web!
Utena x Anthy (RG Utena), Heero x Duo (GW) |
Quatre x Trowa (Gundam Wing) |
Anthy x Utena, Akito x Utena (Revolutionary Girl Utena) |
Yukito x Touya (Cardcaptors) |
Ryo x Dee (Fake) |
Omi x Nagi (Weiss Kreuz) |
Haruka x Michiru (Sailor Moon) |
Yutaro x Yahiko (R Kenshin) |
Rufus x Reno (FFVII) |
Ryoga x Ranma (Ranma 1/2) |
Yusuke x Kurama (YYH) |